invent ® ©
hardware and software solutions
dream your robots
About us
Raniji radovi o mobilnim robotima, praktičan rad.

Raniji radovi vezani za InfoElektronika magazin, praktični radovi.

Software-ski osciloskop

Ručni rad - Linearni Ispravljač AC/DC, Kućno laboratorijsko napajanje

InfoElektronika (novo izdanje): Arduino – Merna laboratorija pod haubom

Dobro opremljena laboratorija za elektroniku prepuna je izvora napajanja, mernim instrumentima, mernom opremom i generatorima signala. Zar ne bi bilo bolje imati jedan kompaktni uređaj za gotovo sve zadatke? Na bazi Arduina planira se razvoj interfejsa za PC, što je moguće univerzalnije za merenje i kontrolu. Jednostavno se priključuje na USB kabl i - u zavisnosti od softvera-formira mernu sondu digitalnog voltmetra ili računarskog osciloskopa, generator signala, podesivi izvor napona, merač frekvencije, ommetar, merač kapaciteta, snimač karakteristika krivih i još mnogo toga. Šeme i metode koje su ovde predstavljene ne samo da su pogodne za ove zadatke u laboratoriji za elektroniku, već se mnogi delovi mogu koristiti u potpuno drugačijim kontekstima.

LIMITER STRUJE DO 500mA Arduino projekat

DC/DC Regulator - Revision #1:

DC/DC Regulator - Revision #2:

Arduino DIY - Limiter 500mA strujno ograničenje uz shutdown opciju - I deo
Arduino DIY - Limiter 500mA strujno ograničenje uz shutdown opciju - II deo
Arduino DIY - Limiter 500mA strujno ograničenje uz shutdown opciju - III deo
Arduino DIY - Limiter 500mA strujno ograničenje uz shutdown opciju - IV deo

We were there... this is just the beginning...

We were there... this is just the beginning...

• [Serbian] - Kako zarađuje open hardware zajednica (blog post 2020)
• [Serbian] DIY - Uradi sam novogodišnji projekat - Novogodišnja 2D Arduino LED ULN 2803 Jelka (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Neka razmišljanja u vezi digitalne obrade signala (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Kako sam zamislio zilsel-invent startup - inspirisan MikroElektronika nagradom (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] PeakTech 1035 digitalni multimetar - kalibracioni list (garantni list, potvrda o tačnosti i preciznosti merenja) (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Otpornost - I^2R - I deo (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] I^2R Otpornost - Snaga otpornika u zavisnosti od specifične toplote materijala - II deo (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Digitalna elektronika je inženjerski termin (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Sistem aktivnog hlađenja mikroprocesora - merenje signala povratne sprege, Treći deo (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Faradejev kavez, demodulacija radio i televizijskih signala (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Sistem aktivnog hlađenja sa povratnom spregom mikroprocesora računarskog sistema - Praktičan rad, Drugi deo (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Uvod u sistem aktivnog hlađenja sa povratnom spregom mikroprocesora računarskog sistema - Prvi deo (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Povratna sprega za merenje potrošnje električne struje na jednosmernom vodu za napajanje (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Višefazni DC/DC regulator mikroprocesorskog napajanja - prvi video blog post (blog post 2019)

Zilsel invent provides independent platform/ecosystem for DC motor control and mobile robot electronics.
Build your robot platform independent of the control logic (MCU, CPU, SoC, Development boards...).
Build once use many times, reuse your work every time...



ULN2xxx DC Motor Driver
DIY PCB KIT - ULN2xxx DC motor driver kit belongs to the family of so called "do it yourself" (DIY) solutions. The solution is flexible and offers the ability to control various types of DC motors. It is intended for everyone, beginners to professionals, hobbyists, enthusiasts and belongs to everyone. Do not hesitate, start your robot or motor control project with ULN2xxx kit, you can expect large numbers of different possibilities with ULN2xxx DC motor driver kits. ULN2xxx DC motor driver kit is officially available @ the following zilsel-invent web page

ASSEMBLED EDITION - The ULN2803 DC motor driver assembled edition comes with four preassembled channels and ULN2803 integrated circuit at the same time providing the possibility for custom/DIY implementation. It supports a variety of algorithms for motor control: stepping, microstepping, PWM etc. With additional LED matrix, software development is simpler. The ULN2803 is officially available @ the following zilsel-invent web page

SERPENT I - H-Bridge DC Motor Controller/Driver
SERPENT I is H-Bridge DC Motor controller/driver based on power MOSFET transistor IRF3710. SERPENT I is an independent solution which could be easily used with any currently available system development board. SERPENT I does not provide any predefined connector except screw connectors. Instead, matrix 4x8 provides a generic solution in order to build right adapter connectors for target development board... more details HERE

DIY PCB KIT - officially available @ the following zilsel-invent web page
ASSEMBLED EDITION - officially available @ the following zilsel-invent web page


Printed circuit board (PCB) 90mm x 90mm.
ULN2xxx PCB, Assembling

Printed circuit board (PCB) 90mm x 90mm.
Choose different screw connectors.
Assembling takes about 2 hours.
ULN2xxx LED Matrix

Save your workspace.
With LED matrix development and
control software testing is
easier, DC motors are not required.
ULN2xxx Adapter Connector

Protoboard - custom connectors.
ULN2xxx Stepper Motor Controller

Unipolar stepper motor speed controller.
ULN2xxx H-Bridge

H-Bridge DC Motor Controller.
PWM bidirectional speed controller.
Easy resistor replacement.
Slow motion video.
Use full screen for a better preview.
ULN2xxx H-Bridge/Stepper

H-Bridge & stepper motor controller
at the same time.
PWM speed controller.

ULN2xxx Stepping/Microstepping

1x Stepping algorithm (Yellow LEDs).
1x Microstepping algorithm (Green LEDs).
Stepper motor speed controller.

ULN2xxx Microstepping Controller

2x Microstepping controller.
Stepper motor speed controller.

Under construction:

L297 Stepper DC Motor Controller - Development Module (Electrical and PCB design, testing)
• SERPENT III - Codename: Russell's Viper - DC Motor Controller (Electrical and PCB design, testing)
• L298 DUAL FULL-BRIDGE DRIVER - DC Motor Controller (Electrical and PCB design, testing)
• Perception module: One bit analog to digital converter with LED indicator for Sharp GP2D120XJ00F
Step down DC/DC current limiter based on Arduino controller - measuring instrument
• Ohmmeter based on Arduino controller - measuring instrument
Oscilloscope based on Arduino controller - measuring instrument

• Fab lab - Wiki
• FABNoviSad - Serbia
• FabLabAgrigento - Italy
• Umberto Cilia (Sicilia - Italy)

Visited events:

• zilsel-invent ® © @ FABNoviSad - Serbia (2018)
• zilsel-invent ® © @ Arduino Day 2019 - Novi Sad, Serbia (2019)


• zilsel-invent: SERPENT II - Pit VIPER - DC motor controller
• zilsel-invent: SERPENT I - H-Bridge DC motor controller
• zilsel-invent: VF Driver - Variable Frequency Driver Rev 1.0 - DIY (Do it yourself)
• zilsel-invent: 8051 MCU based mobile robot with ULN3803 motor driver - DIY (Do it yourself)
• zilsel-invent: Arduino UNO Rev3 based mobile robot - avoiding obstacles - DIY (Do it yourself)
• zilsel-invent: Basic analog differential motion controller - DIY (Do it yourself)
• zilsel-invent: Internet of Things, Analog2Digital development board - Open source (Eagle SCH/PCB)
• Umberto Cilia (Sicilia - Italy)Arduino UNO based mobile robot
• zilsel-invent: DC/DC Current limiter based on Arduino controller - DIY (Do it yourself)
• zilsel-invent: Perception module: One bit analog to digital converter with LED indicator for analog sensors - DIY (Do it yourself)

Serbian blog posts:

• [Serbian] Neka razmišljanja u vezi digitalne obrade signala (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Kako sam zamislio zilsel-invent startup - inspirisan MikroElektronika nagradom (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] PeakTech 1035 digitalni multimetar - kalibracioni list (garantni list, potvrda o tačnosti i preciznosti merenja) (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Otpornost - I^2R - I deo (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] I^2R Otpornost - Snaga otpornika u zavisnosti od specifične toplote materijala - II deo (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Digitalna elektronika je inženjerski termin (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Sistem aktivnog hlađenja mikroprocesora - merenje signala povratne sprege, Treći deo (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Faradejev kavez, demodulacija radio i televizijskih signala (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Sistem aktivnog hlađenja sa povratnom spregom mikroprocesora računarskog sistema - Praktičan rad, Drugi deo (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Uvod u sistem aktivnog hlađenja sa povratnom spregom mikroprocesora računarskog sistema - Prvi deo (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Povratna sprega za merenje potrošnje električne struje na jednosmernom vodu za napajanje (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Višefazni DC/DC regulator mikroprocesorskog napajanja - prvi video blog post (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Kako napraviti laboratorijsko napajanje od starog kompjuterskog ATX prekidačkog napajanja (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Infracrveni talasi – kako odrediti da li je bezbednosni sistem video nadzora pravi ili lažni (blog post 2019)
• [Serbian] Kako odrediti koji DC motor drajver koristiti za dati DC motor? (blog post 2018)
• [Serbian] Nezavisna platforma tj. nezavisni ekosistem (blog post 2018)
• [Serbian] Varijabilni frekvencijski generator pravougaonog signala sa impulsno širinskom modulacijom (blog post 2018)
• [Serbian] Integrisana kola za kontrolu i pobudu DC motor (blog post 2018)
• [Serbian] L297 Stepper Motor Kontroler - Development Modul (blog post 2018)
• [Serbian] Ubrizgavanje ponašanja u sistem - II deo (blog post 2018)
• [Serbian] Ubrizgavanje ponašanja u sistem - I deo (blog post 2018)
• [Serbian] Programabilna Autonomna Vozila III deo (blog post 2018)
• [Serbian] ULN2xxx razvojna pločica (blog post 2018)
• [Serbian] Izrada štampanih pločica termalnim transferom (blog post 2017)
• [Serbian] RoHS Tinol žice (blog post 2017)
• [Serbian] Staro za novo ili Internet of Things - II deo (blog post 2017)
• [Serbian] Staro za novo ili Internet of Things - I deo (blog post 2017)

Serbian video clips:

• [Serbian] Limitiranje potrošnje električne struje na vodu za napajanje - Deo #1 (Video post 2019)
• [Serbian] Limitiranje potrošnje električne struje na vodu za napajanje - Deo #2 (Video post 2019)
• [Serbian] Limitiranje potrošnje električne struje na vodu za napajanje - Deo #3 (Video post 2019)
• [Serbian] Limitiranje potrošnje električne struje na vodu za napajanje - Deo #4 (Video post 2019)
• [Serbian] Limitiranje potrošnje električne struje na vodu za napajanje - Zaštita od obrnutog polariteta AC/DC napajanja sa limitiranjem nivoa ulaznog napona na dozvoljeni maksimum #1 - Deo #5.1 (Video post 2019)
• [Serbian] Limitiranje potrošnje električne struje na vodu za napajanje - Zaštita od obrnutog polariteta AC/DC napajanja sa limitiranjem nivoa ulaznog napona na dozvoljeni maksimum #2 - Deo #5.2 (Video post 2019)
• [Serbian] Limitiranje potrošnje električne struje na vodu za napajanje - Prikaz fizičkog uništenja LM393 komparatora (eksplozija) usled nedostatka zaštite od obrnutog polariteta. DODATAK: IDIOT KONEKTORI ZA NAPAJANJE. - Deo #5.3.1 (Video post 2019)
• [Serbian] Limitiranje potrošnje električne struje na vodu za napajanje - Prikaz fizičkog uništenja LM393 komparatora (eksplozija) usled nedostatka zaštite od obrnutog polariteta. DODATAK: IDIOT KONEKTORI ZA NAPAJANJE. - Deo #5.3.2 (Video post 2019)
• [Serbian] Zaštita elektronike od elektrostatičkog pražnjenja pomoću antistatik narukvice za uzemljenje. (Video post 2019)

Publications (tehnički članci/analize):

• InfoElektronika Magazin (Niš - Serbia) - Author: Vladimir Savić
• Knjige za učenje praktične elektronike, InfoElektronika Magazin (Niš - Serbia):

English blog posts:

• Independent platform i.e. independent ecosystem (blog post 2018)
• L297 Stepper Motor Controller - Development Module (blog post 2018)
• A finite state automat - Injecting behavior into the system, Part II (blog post 2018)
• A finite state automat - Injecting behavior into the system, Part I (blog post 2018)
• Programmable autonomous vehicles – Fundamentals, Part III (blog post 2018)
• Programmable autonomous vehicles – Fundamentals, Part II (blog post 2017)
• SERPENT II Pit VIPER - PCB DIY (do it yourself) assembling - video clips examples (blog post 2016)
• Electrolytic capacitors and design rules (blog post 2016)
• Triangular oscillator - Operational amplifier slew rate - IV part (blog post 2016)
• Triangular oscillator - PWM square wave signal - III part (blog post 2016)
• Triangular oscillator - Frequency - II part (blog post 2016)
• Triangular oscillator - Fundamentals - I part (blog post 2016)
• Soldering tips and tricks - temperature measurement during assembling/soldering (blog post 2016)
• Fake VC830L digital multimeter (blog post 2016)
• DC motor torque vs DC motor speed (blog post 2016)
• Low pass filter and voltage stabilization (blog post 2016)
• SERPENT II - Pit VIPER Rattle - DC motor controller (blog post 2016)
• How to design LM324 Astable Multivibrator (blog post 2016)
• How to design voltage reference by limiting current consumption (blog post 2016)
• How to build do it yourself printed circuit board (DIY PCB) by using thermal transfer method (blog post 2016)
• SERPENT I - PCB DIY (do it yourself) assembling - video clips examples (blog post 2015)
• SERPENT I - DC motor controller/driver details (blog post 2015)
• Feel the force around you – Normal force - Fundamentals (blog post 2015)
• Normal force - Real catalog examples and calculations (blog post 2015)
• Feel the force around you – Frictional force Part I - Fundamentals (blog post 2015)
• Feel the force around you – Frictional force Part II - Inclines and composite nature of the force (blog post 2015)
• Feel the force around you – Frictional force Part III - Why frictional force does exist? (blog post 2015)
• Feel the force around you – Frictional force Part IV - Sliding, rolling and spinning motions (blog post 2015)
• Feel the force around you – Frictional force Part V - How to calculate DC motor torque (blog post 2015)
• Programmable autonomous vehicles – Fundamentals, Part I (blog post 2015)
• Power switch as current amplifier (blog post 2015)
• Multivibrator as a state machine (blog post 2014)
• Monostable multivibrator as analog differential motion controller (blog post 2014)
• PWM Generator for Standard DC Motors (blog post 2014)
• Stepper Motor Controller (blog post 2014)
• Injection System Behavior (blog post 2014)


• How to build IRF 3710 POWER MOSFET cooling system using socket 478 heatsink package - (DIY - Do it yourself)
    • IRF 3710 Cooling System video clip #1
    • IRF 3710 Cooling System video clip #2
    • IRF 3710 Cooling System video clip #3

• [Serbian] - Software engineering deep level optimization - uvod u merenje - III deo [blog post 2020]
• [Serbian] - Software engineering deep level optimization - INLINE tehnika optimizacije - II deo [blog post 2020]
• [Serbian] - Software engineering deep level optimization - I deo [blog post 2020]

Workflows and CAD resources for electric schematic and PCB design developers

• [Serbian] - Proces rada izrade elektronskog uređaja
• PCB design and electrical schematic development with CAD software including external references


• VF Driver will be assembled soon by Ei PCB Factory Service.
    For details click on the picture below.

• Perception module example: LDR sensor module based on one bit analog to digital converter MC4558 coupled with ULN2xxx development module. This is a prototype LDR sensor module based on a one bit analogue 2 digital converter implemented with the MC4558 operational amplifier. It's also very simple in design, similar to the sensor module for the infrared Sharp GP2D120XJ00F sensor. The module is easily coupled with the ULN2xxx development board. In addition to the sensor modules, we are planing to build modules with a priority encoder that will determine the priority of the sensor signals.


• "Vladimir i ja započeli smo saradnju davne 2011/2012 godine kada je odlučio da se ozbiljnije pozabavi praktičnom elektronikom i da piše o istoj za InfoElektronika časopis. Uz nekoliko odličnih radova, i tekstova iz oblasti mobilne robotike, postao je i stalni saradnik magazina. Kako su radovi bili vezani za MikroElekronika platformu, u nekoliko navrata mi je nagovestio da želi da započne nešto slično, jer Srbiji upravo nedostaju firme kao što je MikroElektronika. Ubrzo nakon toga, započeo je da radi na svom sopstvenom projektu pod nazivom Zilsel-invent. Isti je vezan za Makers kulturu, nešto što kod nas tek treba da zaživi, na istom onom nivou na kom je zaživeo i personalni računar tj. PC. Međutim, probiti na tržište projekte kao što su Zilsel-invent, pogotovo u Srbiji, je izuzetno težak poduhvat, i zahteva ozbiljan tim stručnjaka koji bi radili na ostvarenju istog. Vladimir kao pojedinac, napravio je izuzetan poduhvat vredan svake pohvale, i može se slobodno reći da je među prvima započeo stvaranje Makers kulture u Srbiji u pravom smislu te reči."

Više od 20 godina sa vama
ing. Vladislav Stefanović, urednik/ editor
časopis/ magazine Info Elektronika
Tel. 381 64 111-74-45

Copyright © 2025 zilsel-invent ® Serbia


         Zilsel invent provides
         independent platform/ecosystem
         for motor control and
         mobile robot electronics.


         Build your robot platform
         independent of
         the control logic.

         Build once use many times...



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         Read about Microchip UTC2000@:


         Read about DIY PCB@:


         Read about VF Driver @:


         Read about RoHS @:


         Read about SERPENT I @: